Sociological Imagination and Volunteerism of Teacher Education Students at One State University in Batangas


  • Jairus P. Aguila College of Teacher Education, Batangas State University, The National Engineering University, Philippines
  • Nelia T. Salvador Laguna State Polytechnic, University San Pablo City Campus San Pablo City, Philippines



Sociological imagination, Volunteerism, Teacher education student, Higher Education


The study aimed to determine significant relationships between the level of sociological imagination and volunteerism. Using a descriptive-correlation research method, it involved 161 teacher education students from Batangas State University JPLPC-Malvar during the academic year 2021-2022. A researcher-made questionnaire was utilized to gather the needed data. Results revealed that respondents' sociological imagination is significantly associated with volunteerism. It suggests that as students' sociological imagination grows, so does their willingness to volunteer. Similarly, it was found that other sociological imagination factors and volunteerism have a strong association. It means that as the sociological imagination of education students grows, so does their readiness to volunteer.


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How to Cite

Aguila, J. P. ., & Salvador, N. T. . (2025). Sociological Imagination and Volunteerism of Teacher Education Students at One State University in Batangas. Community and Social Development Journal, 26(1), 65–83.



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