Factors Influencing Visitors' Desire to Visit a First Class Temple on Rattanakosin Island, Bangkok, Using Regression Tree
Regression tree, Motivation, First-Class royal temple, BangkokAbstract
Visitors' desire to visit a first-class temple on Rattanakosin Island in Bangkok is analysed in this quantitative study. We used closed-ended questions along with Likert scales (1-5) to survey 974 respondents. The questionnaire served as a research instrument, and the sample was chosen randomly through accidental sampling methods. The data was analysed using computer programs. The pull factor analysis demonstrates that the model effectively predicts outcomes with significant predictive capacity (MSE: 0.48, RMSE: 0.219, MAE: 0.170, MAPE: 50.84%, R2: 0.952). The push factor analysis also shows high explanatory power (MSE: 0.040, RMSE: 0.200, MAE: 0.157, MAPE: 46.08%, R2: 0.962). The study identifies key pull factors, including place identity, sacred sites, and adherence to COVID-19 guidelines. Push factors comprise connecting with the divine, purifying the mind, and discovering new things.
A key strategy for enhancing the appeal of Bangkok's royal temples is to preserve and promote significant landmarks, integrate educational and cultural experiences, prioritise health and safety measures during COVID-19, and provide exceptional customer service. Furthermore, the study recommends incorporating Dharma practices and preserving sacred sites to facilitate merit-making opportunities. By focusing on these recommendations, religious sites can increase their appeal to visitors and contribute to their overall well-being.
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