การวิเคราะห์รูปแบบวิถีพุทธและจริยธรรมของโรงเรียนชุมชนวัดท่าเดื่อ สำนักงานเขตพื้นที่การศึกษา เชียงใหม่ เขต 1
วิถีพุทธ, Buddhist WayAbstract
An Analysis of Buddhist Way and Ethical Practice of Wat Thaduae Community School Affiliated with Office of the Chiang Mai Education Service Area 1
The objective of this research were to study the current situation for ideas, forms, and the thinking process of the learned people, learning tools and the learning apparatus on Buddhist wisdom for the teachihg of Thai students and Their learning development. The research sampling subjects consisted of 30 grade 4-6 students, and 150 grade 7-10 students, totalling 180 students. The research tools for data collection comprised of an observation form, an opinion recording form and interviewing, as well as a focus group discussion. Results of the research are as given below. growth of Buddhist wisdom: (1) Sappurisasamseva, which means to associate with good people, wise men, good teachers, and strive of good knowledge and good communication, (2) Saddhamassavana, which means, to concentrate on education based on a good teaching and learning curriculum, (3) Yonisomanasikara, which means to have critical and logical analysis according to correct reason and logics, (4) Dhammanudhammapatipatti, which means to utilize the knowledge and use the wisdom obtained from practicing Buddhism by the appropriate means. Problem solving according to the cause and effect theory, through the use of local wisdom and domestic philosophy. The school was planned to run according to the Buddhist philosophy, ethically and morally. The assessment and the evaluation process was carried out in order to promote the feeling of loving-kindness and compassion. As the result, it was found that the sample of students was able to improve its verbal behavior by reducing quarrels and arguments and that school absenteeism was found to be decreasing and cigarette smoking had greatly decreased
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