Analysis of the poem "Vision" by Ingeborg Bachmann

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Mirko Martin



The submitted article is an analysis of the poem “Vision” by Austrian poet Ingeborg Bachmann. The analysed poem, which only little information is found on, originated in the era of German-speaking post-war literature and is part of Bachmann’s early work. The article starts out with an analysis of form, in which generic characteristics such as verse, metre, rhyme, syllable stress and cadence are analysed. The subsequent linguistic analysis focuses, inter alia, on tense, word types and syntax as well as on the effects created by them. A content analysis constitutes the third part. Here, theme and title of the poem are discussed first, followed by a verse-by-verse interpretation of its content with special emphasis on symbolic elements while continually referring back to formal anomalies. Thereafter, the poem is classified within the poet’s era as well as her oeuvre before the article comes to a close with a short conclusion. While an intrinsic approach was applied in the first three parts, extrinsic elements such as the poet’s biography, her oeuvre as well as background information on the literary era were used for analysis in the classifying and concluding parts in addition. The results of this article illustrate Bachmann’s interrelationship with her era while at the same time exemplifying distinctive features of her poetry.

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How to Cite
Martin, M. (2019). Analysis of the poem "Vision" by Ingeborg Bachmann. วารสารรามคำแหง ฉบับมนุษยศาสตร์, 38(1), 121–138. สืบค้น จาก