Mourning sayings in German lessons

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Prapawadee Kusolrod



The purpose of this paper is to examine the structure, content and characteristics of selected mourning sayings and to discuss their pragmatic consequences. The results of the study show that mourning is a kind of moral communication that is made visible by illustrating the loss and remembrance of the dead. This is about communication between the bereaved and the dead. Through death, not only has a human notion of love as a basis for relationships developed, but also an idea of grief as an emotional reaction to the breaking of a relationship. In addition, funeral sayings act as an emotional relief for the grief and painful feelings of those affected. They are not only a representation of encrypted forms of communication of the living, that is, a preamble in prose that conveys loss, memory, gratitude, comfort and truth, but also include simple grammatical structures, often rhyme, rhythm. Therefore, funeral rhetoric as a subject in German lessons can stimulate thinking about (inter) cultural communication, analyzing it and discussing it. It shows how grievances can be implemented in German lessons.

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How to Cite
Kusolrod, P. (2020). Mourning sayings in German lessons. วารสารรามคำแหง ฉบับมนุษยศาสตร์, 38(2), 1–22. สืบค้น จาก