Creating database, innovation and making use of folk games for the elderly in Kamphaeng Phet Province.


  • Suphachokchai Nanthasri Faculty of Management Science (Communication Arts). Kamphaeng Phet Rajabhat University


innovation, folk games, folk performances


          The objectives of this research were as follows: 1) to create a database of folk games for the elderly in Kamphaeng Phet Province, 2) to create innovative folk games for the elderly in Kamphaeng Phet Province, and 3) to evaluate the utilization of the innovation of folk games for the elderly in Kamphaeng Phet Province. Performing folk games for the elderly in Kamphaeng Phet Province. This research has a mixed method of conducting research between quantitative research and qualitative research. The sample was the elderly in Muang District. Kamphaeng Phet Province, 400 people and people involved in performing folk games in Kamphaeng Phet Province, namely Kamphaeng Phet Province culture. village sage and 6 scholars.

            The results of the research according to objective number 1) found that the elderly had a need for playing games that focused on speaking/singing skills at an average of 4.44 for use in helping to exercise the body to be healthy, an average of 4.68. The research results according to objective number 2) found that as for the innovation of folk games for the elderly in Kamphaeng Phet Province, it is "local play performances", which is the bringing of 3 folk games activities to convey to the elderly and is applied to look like performances. By playing such folk games, namely 1) Folk dance which will appear in only the Trai Tung sub-district only From searching evidence, it has been found that it has been in existence for at least 90 years. It looks like a typical dance, but the content, melody and lyrics will talk about indigenous people's way of life, geography, and livelihoods. 2) Dance K Kai has been around for at least 90 years or more. Use the letters A to H in the lyrics. similar to the garland song of the central region There is a courtship between a man and a woman in the lyrics and 3) Elephant Dance There is a courtship between a man and a woman in the same lyrics as the Kai Kai dance, where the woman uses a cloth around the neck of the man while singing and dancing on stage. by alternating singing and dancing between women and men Folk games are passed on to future generations by integrating them into school academics. And Kamphaeng Phet province also has a stage for folk games as well. In addition to being passed on to the next generation, such folk games have also been passed on to the elderly in Kamphaeng Phet Province and cause innovation. “Folk play performances” with the application of folk games for all 3 activities mentioned above. By converting the standard dance moves into a dance that is suitable for the elderly. The purpose is to exercise, practice skills, have fun and for good health. In addition, folk songs were added to the sound of instruments. There are new vocals and recordings. There is a tape recording to create a database. Delivered and disseminated to the Elderly Club in every district in Kamphaeng Phet Province. The results of the research according to objective number 3) found that  the opportunity cost of the innovation of folk performance performances for the elderly in Muang District Kamphaeng Phet Province because they rarely meet and talk to each other because there are not many activities that make the elderly come together often. It can cause the elderly to lose opportunities in mental health that lead to happiness. But it is not a problem for the life of the elderly.


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