Utilization from innovative folk games for the elderly in Kamphaeng Phet Province.


  • Thanatron Jangmo Faculty of Management Science. Business Administration (Entrepreneurship). Kamphaeng Phet Rajabhat University


                The objectives of this research were 1) to study the utilization of innovative folk games for the elderly in Kamphaeng Phet Province, 2) to study the opportunity cost from innovation of folk games for the elderly in Kamphaeng Phet Province, and 3) to assess the results of the innovation activities. Folk games for the elderly in Kamphaeng Phet Province. This research has a mixed method of conducting research between qualitative research with in-depth interviews and quantitative research by means of evaluation research. Qualitative research, the main informants were culture of Kamphaeng Phet Province. Village scholars, Volunteers, and academics, consisting of 6 people, considered from the criteria that they are experts involved in folk games in Kamphaeng Phet Province. The research tool was an in-depth interview form. Analyze the data by describing the content. In terms of quantitative research, the sample group was 100 elderly people who participated in the activity. The research instrument was the activity evaluation form. The statistics used in the data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation.

              The results of the research according to objectives 1) found that the elderly were able to use innovations in folk games in Kamphaeng Phet Province. “The performance of folk games” is used for benefits, which is to help promote health, unity, and can be integrated in teaching and learning. The research results according to objective number 2) found that the opportunity cost from innovation of folk games for the elderly in Kamphaeng Phet Province consisted of 5 aspects as follows: 1. Economic aspect: children in the future generation will not be able to know about the way of life and trade of people in Kamphaeng Phet Province in the past and how they were. 2. Social aspect: the elderly do not have the opportunity to meet each other as often as in the past 3. Cultural aspect: there is a loss of opportunity in learning the way of life and culture from the lyrics in the songs 4. Health aspect: innovation in folk games causing more benefits than losing opportunities. 5. Psychological aspect:  Lack of meeting and talking can deprive elderly mental health opportunities that lead to happiness. The results of the research according to objective 3) found that the sample group had the highest level of overall satisfaction with the activities, with a mean of 4.54, a standard deviation of 0.757.


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