Satisfaction in Choosing Convenience Store Services of People in Muang District, Phayao Province.


  • Samrit Nuamsiri Faculty of Management Science, Pacific Institute of Management Science


Convenience Store, Marketing Mix ( 7Ps), Satisfaction


          This research aims to achieve the following objectives: 1) To examine demographic factors that impact satisfaction in choosing convenience store services among the population in the Mueang district, Phayao province, categorized based on demographic characteristics. 2) To investigate marketing mix factors (7Ps) that influence satisfaction in choosing convenience store services among a specific sample group of 410 individuals in the Mueang district, Phayao province, utilizing a questionnaire as the research tool. Data analysis involves percentages, averages, standard deviations, t-tests, F-tests, KMO and Bartlett's Test, Factor Analysis, and Linear Regression Analysis.
          The research findings: 1) Regarding the demographic characteristics and satisfaction in choosing convenience store services among the population in the Mueang district, Phayao province, it was found that gender, education level, and monthly income differences had no significant impact on satisfaction. However, age and occupation differences had a statistically significant impact at a 0.05 level of significance. 2) The research found a significant relationship between marketing mix factors (7Ps) and satisfaction in choosing convenience store services among the population in the Mueang district, Phayao province. All six independent variables had a statistically significant influence on satisfaction, as evidenced by a significance level below 0.05 in the T-Test for each factor. The order of influence, ranked by the Beta Coefficient of the regression equation from highest to lowest, from highest to lowest, Product, Price, Place, Promotion, People, Physical Evidence, and Processes.


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