Cultural Competence Organizational Engagement and Happiness in Work of a Private University Personnel


  • Sala Kiewmanee Community Psychology, Department of Psychology Factory of Social Science Kasetsart University
  • Chalermkwan Singhwee Community Psychology, Department of Psychology Factory of Social Science Kasetsart University


              The purposes of this study were 1) to study the level of cultural competence, organizational engagement and happiness in work of a private university personnel 2) study to compare happiness in work of by personal factor. 3) to study correlation between cultural competence and happiness in work of a private university personnel and 4) to study correlation between organizational engagement and happiness in work of a private university personnel.
          The samples of this study were 114 of a private university personnel. Which were selected by proportional stratified sampling. Data were collected and analyzed by computer package program. Statistical procedures were percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, F-test (One Way Anova), multiple comparisons; Least Significant Different Test (LSD) and Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Coefficient.
          The results showed that: 1) the level of cultural competence and organizational engagement and happiness in work were at high 2) personnel in a private university who had difference marital status had difference in happiness in work which were statistically significant at .05 3) cultural competence had positive correlation with happiness in work significantly at .01 4) organizational engagement had positive correlation with happiness in work significantly at .01


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