Problems and Approaches to Increase the Efficiency of Proceedings through the Use of Digital Evidence in Accordance with Anti-Money Laundering Laws


  • Thammanoon Kongrat Faculty of Science, Silpakorn University
  • Woratouch Witchuvanit Faculty of Forensic Science, Royal Police Cadet Academy


Anti-Money Laundering, Property Legal Proceedings, Digital Forensic Evidence


           This academic article is a component of a dissertation titled "Analysis of Property Legal Proceedings under Anti-Money Laundering Laws Using Digital Forensic Evidence" for the Doctor of Philosophy program in Forensic Science and Criminal Justice, Faculty of Science, Silpakorn University. It aims to study obstacles, problems, and approaches to increase the efficiency of proceedings by using digital evidence according to the Anti-money Laundering Law. It uses qualitative measure. Key informants in the research consist of 1. specialist of Civil Servant Group, Anti-Money Laundering Office (Computer Academician), and 2. specialist of Civil Servant Group, Anti-Money Laundering Office (Litigation Division Officers). And this research uses snowball sampling to collect data via semi-structured Interviews; data are analyzed by content analysis method. The research indicated that the problems of property legal proceedings under anti-money laundering laws using digital forensic evidence consist of an operation, and an expansion of the investigation of property proceedings under anti-money laundering laws. There were suggestions as follows: The Anti-Money Laundering Office should formulate policies, strategies, and operational plans to support the proceedings. And it should establish standards for digital evidence accreditation in line with central standards in order to incorporate digital evidence into the case files, thus significantly increasing the efficiency of litigation


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