Environmental Management in Elementary Schools


  • Veerapong Savanglap Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Administration, Silpakorn University


Environmental Management, Elementary School


The purposes of this research were to 1) identify the environmental management  in elementary schools, and 2) verify the factors of the environmental management  in elementary schools. The research populations consisted of 26,905 schools under primary the Office of the Basic Education Commission, Ministry of Education. The samples were 100 elementary schools. The sample size was determined based on Yamane’s Sample Size Table. The sample was obtained from stratified random sampling. There were 300 respondents included school directors or or acting in the position of director of educational institutes, deputy school directors of educational institutions or head of general administration group and teachers. The research instruments were the semi-structured interview, the opinionnaire, and the confirmatory factor analysis opinionnaire of the environmental management  in elementary schools. The statistics used to analyze the data were frequency, percentage, arithmetic, standard deviation, exploratory factor analysis, and content analysis.

              The findings of this study were as follows:
              1. The environmental management in elementary schools consisted of 5 components: 1) environmental management process, which comprised 3 sub-components: 1.1) Implementation of environmental management, 1.2) Evaluation of environmental management, 1.3) Development and improvement of environmental management  2) Environmental direction and policy setting 3) Executive Leadership  4) Review and follow up ; and 5) Defining environmental objectives and targets All components can be described as 68.422 percent.
             2. Confirmation results of environmental management in elementary school were verified to meet with accuracy standards, properties standards, feasibility standards, and utility standards. 


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