The Development of Augmented Reality Technology Learning Media on Smartphones on purchasing Accounting System for Higher Vocational Certificate Student 1st Year in Accounting, Mae Nam Kwai Industrial and Community


  • Siriluk Pattaraweangkanch Faculty of Education, Kasetsart University
  • Nattaphon Rampai Faculty of Education, Kasetsart University
  • Sunchai Pattanasith Faculty of Education, Kasetsart University


Augmented Reality Technology Learning Media, Smartphone, Purchasing Accounting System


          The objectives of this research to: 1) develop of augmented reality technology learning media on smartphones on purchasing accounting system for higher vocational certificate student 1st year in accounting, Mae Nam Kwai Industrial and Community Education College so as to meet the quality and effectiveness of 80/80, 2) study learner’s achievement through the use of augmented reality technology learning media on smartphones on purchasing accounting system, 3)investigate the effectiveness index of augmented reality technology learning media on smartphones on purchasing accounting system, and 4) study of student satisfaction towards learning from augmented reality technology learning media on smartphones on purchasing accounting system. The sample group used in this research was 30 students in for higher vocational certificate student 1st year in accounting, Mae Nam Kwai Industrial and Community Education College Summer semester, academic year 2021, which were obtained by purposive sampling. Research tools are: 1) Learning media on augmented reality technology on smartphones, 2) Quality assessment form of learning media on augmented reality technology on a smartphone, and 3) Tests to measure knowledge before and after school. The data were analyzed use of percentage, mean, standard deviation and t-test for Independent Samples.
         The research results showed that: 1) The quality of the learning media in terms of content had an overall mean of 4.66, at a very good level. As for the efficiency results, the result was 82.88/89.00, which corresponds to the criteria that have been defined as 80/80, 2) learner’s achievement of the post-test score was significantly higher than the pre-test score, which was statistically marked at .05 based on the expected hypothesis, 3) the effectiveness index of learning media development through the use of learning media on augmented reality technology on a smartphone was marked at 0.82 revealing that the percentage of students with better knowledge was at 82%, and 4) Satisfaction of students learning with learning media Satisfaction was at the highest level.


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