Purchasing Behaviors, Motivations, and Expectations in Purchasing Durian Through Platform Instagram


  • Chanatip Kliadkhwamchua Master of Communication Arts Program Faculty of Communication Arts Sripatum University Chonburi Campus
  • Sahaparp Porkatong Master of Communication Arts Program Faculty of Communication Arts Sripatum University Chonburi Campus


purchasing behaviors, motivations, expectations, durian, Instagram


          This research aims to study purchasing behaviors, motivations and expectations in purchasing durian through platform Instagram. This quantitative research was survey research using a single-measure result with questionnaire as a tool for collecting data. The consumer were 400 males and females who age 20 years old above and had purchasing durian through platform Instagram. The data was specifically collected from 4 Facebook groups, 100 samples each. By using random selection, the resulted in each categories showed that the largest demographics in gender, span of age , occupation and monthly income are females, span of age within 26-30 years old, employee of private company and monthly income within 20,001-30,000 bath respectively which mostly purchasing durian through platform Instagram by viewing Instagram feed video. The highest motivations to purchasing durian through platform Instagram was emotional matter. For hypothesis testing resulted, found that disparate of demographic namely age, occupation, and monthly income has different purchasing behaviors and expectations in purchasing durian through platform Instagram. Although disparate in occupation and monthly income has different motivations in purchasing durian through platform Instagram.


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