The Development of Aging Workfare Hiring Model of Hotel in Phuket


  • Jirawat Tippayarod Human Resource Administration, Faculty of Management Sciences, Phuket Rajabhat University
  • Ekkaphon Wongsaree Human Resource Administration, Faculty of Management Sciences, Phuket Rajabhat University


The Development of Aging Workforce Hiring Model, Elderly worker


             The research aims to investigate the problem and need of hotel enterprise in Phuket, Thailand in order to support elderly worker and develop the readiness preparation model of hiring the aging worker in the hotel enterprise of Phuket, Thailand whereby using Mixed Method research methodology in this study. The study found that in case of insufficient workforce, the hotel will solve this problem by managing the working hour as a shift work and hiring the former retirement worker. The enterprise said that to hire elderly worker can give a benefit as Tax measures that can be used to reduce the cost twice. In the meantime, the enterprise is willing to hire elderly worker to utilize their knowledge, skills, and experiences for solving an insufficient workforce as same as the elderly worker also need to work for their expenses. There are two types of vacancies for hiring aging workforce which are officer level and management level by expanded a retirement age but this condition will depend on their work performance and health.

          For the readiness preparation model of hiring the aging worker in the hotel enterprise of Phuket, Thailand, the enterprise must consider eight components; Employment and support policy, Job characteristics for elderly worker, Employment contract type, Work scheduling type, Compensation and benefits factors to consider hiring, Employment attitude, and measures to promote employment of older worker.


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