Factors Influencing the Non-Enrolled for University of Phayao’ Students


  • Yanisa Thipwalee Division of educational services University of Phayao
  • Luethaipat Pimonsree Division of educational services University of Phayao


Student non-enrolled


             This research aimed to study factors affecting the influencing the non-enrolled for University of Phayao’ students. Data were collected from 293 day time students by using a questionnaires, and analyzed using descriptive statistics: frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation.  

             The results showed that the factors affecting influencing the non-enrolled for University of Phayao’ students, in overall was at moderate level ( x̄=3.37, SD=16.50). When considering each aspect, it indicated that the attitude and opinion towards the university was at high level ( x̄=3.52, SD=20.60), followed by the student factor ( x̄=3.44, SD=16.41) and the family factor ( x̄=3.14, SD=12.48) respectively. The suggestions for each aspect, in student aspect, there student be giving more information and knowledge on the student’s enrollment, in family’s factors, it suggested that more information on student’s scholarship to increasing the students and his parents to understand about the university’s information, in student’s attitudes and opinions, classroom atmosphere, teaching and motivation were important for students to adjust themselves to the university’s life.


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