Reflective Coaching Supervision to Develop English Language Teaching for Communication For Teachers in Secondary Schools


  • Kanchanamanoch Khunkong Northern college
  • Jaruwon Gansub Northern college
  • Somrit Chankhan Northern college


Reflective Coaching Supervision


          The purpose of this research was: 1) A study of Reflective Coaching Supervision. To develop the teaching of English for communication For secondary school teachers in the academic year 2022, in the area of ​​preparing classroom-level curriculum for English teachers. Organizing learning activities for teachers and using questions by teachers while teaching 2) Evaluate the English language learning outcomes of students in the academic year 2022, the research instruments were a Teaching observation form, an interview form, and a classroom-level curriculum document analysis form. Collect data from observing teachers' teaching. Interviews with administrators, teachers, and students; analysis of classroom-level curriculum documents; The obtained data was analyzed according to the research problem. Summary and discussion of results Using descriptive analysis (Descriptive analysis)
          The research results found that Reflective supervision As a result, teachers have a good attitude towards the curriculum, and have knowledge and understanding in applying the 2008 Basic Education Core Curriculum, especially the process of teaching English for communication. Teachers provide opportunities for students to interact with the teacher. and friends using English Teachers use teaching media (pictures, diagrams) and students are satisfied with learning at a very good level.



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