Problems of The Impact of Illegal Foreign Workers in Mae Sot District Tak Province


  • Saman Kabmala Northern College
  • Nimit Padungsilpairod Northern College
  • Krisana Fungjai Northern College
  • Jarunee wuntong Northern College


การจ้างแรงงาน, ต่างด้าว, ผิดกฎหมาย


               The objective of this study was to study the impact of illegal foreign workers in Thailand by considering the following problems included 1) social impact, 2) public health impact, and 3) impact on national security. This study was a qualitative research by studying legal documents, act, rule, regulation, announce, order, in order to make an analysis and propose to amend the law.

               The study result revealed that since Royal Decree on Management of Foreigner's Work (No. 2) B.E. 2561 into force showed that the illegal foreign labor hiring in Thailand had social impact, the competition among foreign workers, burglary, quarrel from drinking, causing some Thai people to be afraid. For public health impact found that illegal foreign labor hiring in Thailand where illegal entry workers There will be no medical examination and they were a carrier of new diseases arrived in Thailand. For the impact on national security found that foreign workers to work in Thailand illegally will scattered in various areas across the country result in administrative problems.
               Therefore, it should amend the Royal Decree on Management of the Working of Foreigners (No. 2), B.E. 2561 (2018) Section 29/1 “There should be a provincial foreign work management policy committee which consists of provincial governor, sheriff, deputy district chief, provincial labor, superintendent of the revenue police, village headman, hospital doctor being appointed as a director. The Provincial Foreign Workers Administration Office would be a secretary”. Section 30/1 “The committee has authority and duty to set policy and directs and manages the work of foreign workers as following : 1) establish policies for managing the work of foreign workers, 2) set a policy for recruiting foreign workers based on knowledge and ability, 3) organize a training course for foreign workers about the law and local customs, 4) other acts required by law


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