Charismatic Leadership of Private School Administrators


  • Pravit Manpan Department of Educational Administration, Silpakorn University


Charismatic Leadership, Private School, Private School Administrators


          The purpose of this research was to identify the charismatic leadership of private school administrators by applying the Ethnographic Delphi Future Research (EDFR) technique. The research used purposive sampling for selecting 17 experts. The instruments for collecting the data were unstructured interviews and opinionnaires. The statistics used for data analysis were median, mode, interquartile range and content analysis.
          The results revealed that: The charismatic leadership of private school administrators consisted of 7 aspects 1) being a good and reliable role model, 2) Having a clear vision, 3) Good and effective communication, 4) The ability to control, monitor, evaluate and follow up 5) The ability to deliver Initiate and develop and demonstrate confidence in teachers and staff, 6) Digital and technological capabilities, and 7) building a school identity.


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