Punitive Damages in Non-Consumer Cases


  • Pimjai Ruenrerng -
  • Nantharat Techama Faculty of Law, Ramkhamhaeng University
  • Siriporn Maneepun คณะนิติศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยรามคำแหง


Punitive damages, Human trafficking, Personal data


Punitive damages have been enacted in Thai Law in consumer cases and non-consumer cases since B.E. 2545. It has been enacted in Trade secret Act B.E. 2545 and, then, enacted in the other Acts. These Acts have both Laws in consumer cases and non-consumer cases. The objective of this research is to study the principles of punitive damages, which are enacted in law in non-consumer cases, the court decisions that apply the punitive damages and the defects of the law to suggest further amendments to the law.

According to the study of six acts of non-consumer cases: Trade Secret Act B.E. 2545, Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities Act B.E. 2550, Gender Equality Act B.E. 2558, Human Trafficking Criminal Procedure Act B.E. 2559, Minerals Act B.E. 2560 and Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562, it is found that there were many judgements in the trade secret infringement case, case of unfair discrimination against disabilities and human trafficking cases whereas the court decisions about the disputes under Gender Equality Act, Minerals Act and Personal Data Protection Act are not found. On the other hand, in the defects of the law, it is found that the Human Trafficking Criminal Procedure Act did not specify the maximum of punitive damages and the Personal Data Protection Act did not indicate the special motive to determine the punitive damages. Therefore, it should be amended to make law enforcement more efficient.


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คำพิพากษาฎีกาที่ 7189/2562






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