Influencing Factors of Perceived Value of Rural Tourism Based on Consumer Characteristic
Rural Tourism, Perceived Value, Tourist Satisfaction, Tourist LoyaltyAbstract
According to the service quality model (SERVQUAL), the framework of this study designs a tourism service quality model based on the perceived value of tourists based on consumer characteristics. This study uses SPSS 24.0 and AMOS 22.0 software to conduct in-depth interviews and questionnaires to explore its impact mechanism. Data were collected from 552 Chinese respondents who had experienced rural tourism in Taiyuan, Shanxi in the past year. The results show that there is a significant relationship between tourist perceived value and tourist satisfaction. The five dimensions of perceived value, namely, landscape value, emotional value, cost value, social value, product and service value, are significantly related to tourist satisfaction. The four dimensions of perceived value, namely, landscape value, emotional value, cost value, and product and service value, are significantly related to tourist loyalty, but not to social value. The analysis shows that tourists' perceived value affects tourists' loyalty and satisfaction to rural tourism destinations. This study can not only guide the further development of rural tourism, but also effectively improve the influence and marketing effect of tourism products.
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