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Long Liu
Guowei Hua




          With the national implementation of the "integration of physical education" sports talent training model, a number of Chinese university physical education teachers are on the way to new positions as professional sports coaches, specifically coaches of the importance of professional and psychological health, but also of the organization and management of the prominent problems. This article selected a total of 437 basketball coaches from 112 colleges and universities as the object of study. The results of statistical analysis showed that the alienation of coaches was at a moderate level, in the personal sense of work alienation due to the meaningless of work and the alienation in the work environment due to leadership functions was relatively high. The sense of alienation comes from the internal organization and management; so in order to reduce the sense of alienation not only in the field of management but also in leadership behavior it is necessary to enact reforms, to promote competition and assessment, to optimize the appointment system and job title reform, to stimulate the enthusiasm of coaches, and even better is to raise the level of organization and management.

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