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Song Bei
Chen Ao




          Tacit knowledge transfer is the focus of enterprise knowledge management. This study adopts the method of literature research, and summarizes the connotation of individual tacit knowledge from the perspective of empirical knowledge, then we further builds the individual tacit knowledge transfer four stage cycle theory model: namely the individual tacit knowledge awareness stage, the stage of individual tacit knowledge externalization, individual tacit knowledge receiving and individual tacit knowledge generation phase. The model reveals the individual tacit knowledge awareness stage can bring a breakthrough in knowledge innovation for enterprises or individuals, the formation stage of personal tacit knowledge can bring inherit innovative knowledge for enterprises and individuals, the researchers suggest that we not only focus on the transfer of personal tacit knowledge inheritance, we also should pay more attention to the sense of personal tacit knowledge development the stage of knowledge, and to promote knowledge innovation revolutionary.

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How to Cite
Bei, S., & Ao, C. (2017). 个人隐性知识转移四阶段循环模型理论框架研究. วารสารปัญญาภิวัฒน์, 9, 112–121. สืบค้น จาก https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/pimjournal/article/view/107318


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