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Wei Meng




          Materialism of I Ching has been seen as ancient simple materialism for a long time in academia, where they consider ancient simple materialism as simple materialism and use ancient materialism with some or a number of specific material forms to explain the origin of the world as their evidence. The scholars of Marxist I Ching combine historical materialism, dialectical materialism, materialistic dialectics and the system of I Ching philosophy together and adopt qualitative research in combination with literature qualitative analysis method, as well reverse thinking method in combination with system logic analysis and reasoning method to do the research. They demonstrated that materialism of I Ching is not simple materialism but dialectical materialism possessing the core feature of distinct dialectical materialism and historical materialism, which has an epoch-making significance with changing the long-held conclusion in academia that materialism of I Ching is simple materialism. The process of demonstration has the duality of "breaking" and "establishing", that is, using the way of refuting to demonstrate the philosophy cognitive defect that the ancient materialism is equivalent to the simple materialism, by way of argument to determine the property of I Ching, so that it can build a relatively complete and reliable I Ching dialectical materialism platform for the future researchers of the I Ching.

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