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Naruemon Choochinprakarn
Brian Corbitt
Konrad Peszynski


The Internet opens the opportunity for businesses to enter to a new market and create a fierce competition among them. To gain competitive advantages and survive, e-businesses need to deliver value to their customers.This study investigates the impact of product and service complementarities offered by Business-to-Consumers-businesses on customer value and evaluates the influence of this perceived value on future customer behavior. An experiment was used a 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 between-subjects factorial design including four factors: product component, product range, online services, and offline services. Sixteen interactive travel websites were created to closely mimic the design of real travel websites. Results from 272 experimental subjects revealed that subjects perceived online services and product range offerings to be of greater value when the offering was bundled with a greater number of offline services rather than limited offline services.  Additionally, a positive relationship between customers’ perceived value and their future behaviors was found.

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How to Cite
Choochinprakarn, N., Corbitt, B., & Peszynski, K. (2014). CUSTOMERS’ PERCEIVED VALUE OF COMPLEMENTARY PRODUCTS AND SERVICES ON THE INTERNET AND BEHAVIORAL INTENTIONS. วารสารปัญญาภิวัฒน์, 5(2), 30–48. สืบค้น จาก


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