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Suo Lu


The purposes of this paper are (1) to explore the influences of individual consumer’s characteristics, external situational factors, and marketing stimuli on the impulsive purchase behavior of animation derivatives; (2) to test whether impulsive purchase intention mediates the relationship between each influencing factor and impulsive buying behavior of animation derivatives; and (3) to construct a model of impulsive buying behavior of animation derivatives. This research used a quantitative design by developing online questionnaires to collect data through the convenience sampling approach from 536 Chinese consumers who had a shopping experience with animation derivatives products within the past six months in Kunming city. They were students, aged 19-22, had a bachelor’s degree and had a low monthly income. The findings show that individual consumer’s characteristics (including impulsive purchase propensity and emotional purchase propensity), external situational factors (both time pressure and brand effect), and marketing stimuli (product, price, and promotional advertising) are significantly and positively related to impulsive purchase behavior of animation derivatives. Moreover, the mediating effect of impulsive purchase intention was significant for both the above latent variables and impulsive purchase behavior.

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