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Arin Choksereesuwan
Papitchaya Wisankoso


The objectives of this action research were (1) to implement organization development interventions (ODI); (2) to enhance employee communication and teamwork (on collaboration and task process); and (3) to identify the changes between the PRE-ODI and POST-ODI phases. This study was an action research to study the case of a faculty at a private university. The research process was divided into three phases (1. PRE-ODI, 2. ODI, and 3. POST-ODI). The population size was 45, and the sample size was 40 as determined based on Krejcie and Morgan Sample Size Table (1970). All of the sample members participated in all of the three phases. The researcher implemented “the improvement score” to show an area needed for improvement. Then, he designed the intervention which was in two phases. The first phase was about the principle of employee communication. The second phase was the investigation of intensive knowledge by focusing on individual communication, interpersonal communication, and team communication. The intervention workshops were conducted with active learning, project- based learning, and feedback and reflection.

This research findings revealed that OD Interventions were successful. The paired sample t-test was used to analyze statistically whether there was a significant difference in communication and teamwork between pre and post ODI activities at a significance of 95% or alpha = 0.05. The improvement score was moved from the PRE-ODI phase’s “Priority Area for Improvement” to the POST-ODI phase’s “Strengths”. Furthermore, the simple linear regression results confirmed that the employee communication had a significant impact on teamwork.

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