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Sunida Piriyapada
Pisesporn Wasawong


There is the growing threat of environmental degradation caused by unethical consumer behavior which in turn poses a substantial barrier to the global imperative of sustainable development. Within this context, the heightened adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) emerges as motivated by diverse factors. This research aims to explore the impact of government financial incentives, environmental concern, and knowledge of EVs on the attitudes and purchasing intentions of EV car users in Thailand.

A dataset involving 400 valid questionnaires from potential EV car users throughout Thailand was acquired through a Google online survey. Subsequently, the collected data were analyzed with the use of the Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) technique. The findings of this study indicate positively and significantly connections among government financial incentives, environmental concern, knowledge of EVs, all of which having the most substantial impact directly and indirectly on the attitudes and purchasing intentions of EV car users in Thailand.

The empirical findings offer valuable insights into EV car users, highlighting strategic initiatives for sustainable development in the automotive sector, both in Thailand and globally. In the final part, the proposed recommendations extend to policymakers seeking to promote sustainable transportation practices and marketers aiming to tailor strategies for the growing EV market in Thailand.

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How to Cite
Piriyapada, S. ., & Wasawong, . P. . (2024). EFFECTS OF GOVERNMENT FINANCIAL INCENTIVES, ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS, AND EV KNOWLEDGE AMONG USERS’ ATTITUDE AND PURCHASE INTENTION IN THAILAND. วารสารปัญญาภิวัฒน์, 16(2), 48–69. สืบค้น จาก https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/pimjournal/article/view/270655


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