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Kusuma Dampitakse
Panarat Panmanee


This research investigated the predictability of past financial performance on future cash flows and the effects of financial and non-financial factors on the predictability. The secondary data was collected from financial reports and SET data of Thai listed companies in Agro & food industry and Technology industry during the period 2005 to 2010. The statistical analysis was conducted with regression statistic method.              The findings revealed that the predictability of past financial performance were different between industries. The findings showed that earnings had higher predictability in Agro & food industry than operating cash flows, free cash flows and comprehensive income.  On the other hand, it found that operating cash flows was higher predictability than the others in Technology industry. Considering the effects of financial and non-financial factors, the results revealed that firm size and market risk were significant effects on the predictability of past financial performance. 

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How to Cite
Dampitakse, K., & Panmanee, P. (2015). THE PREDICTABILITY OF PAST FIRMS’ PERFORMANCE ON FUTURE CASH FLOWS. วารสารปัญญาภิวัฒน์, 7(1), 24–37. สืบค้น จาก


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