The Applied of Geo-Informatics Technology for Contribute Community-based Tourism, Bueng Kan Province


  • Kraiwut Chuwilai Lecturer, Geo-informatics for development program, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, Rajabhat Udon Thani University
  • Chadon ์์Nakmai Lecturer, Geo-informatics for development program, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, Rajabhat Udon Thani University
  • Wit Jomwinya Lecturer, Geo-informatics for development program, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, Rajabhat Udon Thani University


geo-informatics, geography, community based tourism, Bueng Kan


This study aimed to 1) to use geography tools and geoinformatics to support the community-based tourism in the study area and 2) to transfer knowledge and geoinformatics skills to contribute the community-based tourism to the community representatives. The study area comprised of 5 communities in Bueng Kan province, Thailand, and the main implementation was the participation of 3 sectors: the researchers, the related government sectors, the community representatives through an action plan and group discussions.  The result  was divided into 2 parts which were 1) creating communities’ spatial data sets by using the geoinformatics tools for the area survey and making community maps for decision support, and 2) transferring knowledge to the communities through the specifically selected community representatives based on the innovation disseminated theory through 3 knowledge transferring activities and assessed by the community-based tourism specialists and the related government sectors in the province. The final output of this study were a spatial data online database, the community maps for decision support for developing the community-based tourism and the community representatives who passed the training would have skills in using geographic tools and geoinformatics for the community-based tourism further development.


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Research article