Guidelines of Tourism Promotion for Russian Tourists in Koh Samui, Suratthani Province


  • Mantanan Khunrit Master’s student, Intergrated Tourism and Hospitality Management, National Institute of Development Administration
  • Paithoon Monpanthong Lecturer, Intergrated Tourism and Hospitality Management, National Institute of Development Administration


the guidelines to promote tourism, Russian tourists, Koh Samui


The purposes of the research were to 1) study the behaviors of Russian tourists in Koh Samui, Suratthani Province, 2) evaluate the marketing mix affecting the decision to travel to Koh Samui, Suratthani Province, 3) study tourism promotion from stakeholders in Koh Samui, Suratthani Province, and 4) propose guidelines of Tourism Promotion for Russian Tourists in Koh Samui, Suratthani Province.

The results showed that most Russian Tourist are male between 23 – 28 of age, being considered Gen Y of Millennials. Most are entrepreneurs or business owners with a monthly income of 50,000 – 59,999 rubles. Most have an educational level higher than a bachelor’s degree and are single. In terms of the behaviors, travel for leisure purposes, aiming to travel on their day-offs. Most stay in a hotel and have planned their trip by receiving travel information from friends or family. Most spend time traveling for 8 – 14 days. The significant landmark was Chaweng Beach, spend 1 – 3 months planning their trip which was their personal trip with family or relatives. Most spend 60,001 – 80,000 rubles. The activity of interest was nature sightseeing. After the trip concluded, the trip is shared and reviewed by word of mouth and will visit Koh Samui again. The results regarding marketing mix affecting the decision to travel showed that Russian tourists show high opinion toward marketing mix with the most opinion in term of Place.

The results regarding marketing mix affecting the decision to travel showed that Russian tourists show high opinion toward marketing mix with the most opinion in term of Place. The study result regarding tourism promotion from stakeholders in Koh Samui, Suratthani Province led to 1) plan and tourism promotion by advertising tourism products and Russian language training to service providers, 2) Tourism promoting activities are health-related tourism activities, nature tourism activities, and Thai and local gastronomy activities, 3) Images promoting tourism are images of natural scenery and food, and 4) Limitation or obstacles in promoting tourism are Russian language, road condition, and logistics in Koh Samui.

The results of propose of guidelines of tourism promotion for Russian tourists in Koh Samui, Suratthani Province showed that 1) guidelines for the development of logistics network in Koh Samui and access to Koh Samui, 2) guidelines for marketing and public relation for tourism, 3) guidelines for increasing Russian proficiency for tourism personnel.


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Thesis article