Negotiation of meaning and sign consumption of misfortune year in Thai society.
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Qualitative research on negotiation of meaning and sign consumption of misfortune year in Thai society was a had two objectives as follows: to study the negotiation of meaning of misfortune year in Thai society and to analyze the sign consumption of misfortune year. To collect and analyze data, this research spent three months by using in-depth interview with interview form, semi structured from key informants were divided into 4 groups, as well as the 11 people, including person who study the history of China,person who beliefs about misfortune year and had been going to do the ritual that solve the misfortune year. (Chinese, Thai – Chinese, Thai).
In addition, researcher used the secondary data from the print and electronic media.
The results revealed that the negotiation of meaning of misfortune year in Thai society had a negotiation of meaning both faiths continuously until the ritual that solve the misfortune year through medium’s communication, opinion leaders and the ritual that solve the misfortune year.
It revealed the attempt to expand the beliefs about misfortune year, made an extra alchemy, holiness and accommodatefor the ritual that solve the misfortune year. In addition, the sign consumption of misfortune year in Thai society, the result also showed that it extended the belief from the traditional towide areas. Therefore, it was made to involve more commercial, cover products and services communicated that helped to enhance prosperity. However, despite the ritual that solve the misfortune year helped to maintain succession, but if people don’t keep going by focus on the original essence of misfortune year, which concentrate onapperceptionand no have communication literacy, they may be taken advantage from profit organization.
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