Private Secondary School Management Strategies According to the Concept of Developing the Students’ Agile Leadership

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Pah Kraiwin
Penvara Xupravati
Pruet Siribanpitak


The research objectives were to develop private secondary school management strategies according to the concept of developing the students’ agile leadership. The research applied an explanatory sequential mixed methods design. The samples were private secondary schools. The research instruments were questionnaires and strategic evaluation form to testify feasibility and appropriateness of the strategies. The data were analyzed by percentage, frequency, mean, standard deviation and PNI modified

The research finding reveals that private secondary school management strategies according to the concept of developing the students’ agile leadership consisted of 3 main strategies: 1) Enhance the effectiveness of management, measurement and evaluation to develop student’ agile leadership with 2 sub strategies. 2) Raise the level of instructional management to develop student’ agile leadership with 2 sub strategies. 3) Modify school curriculum to develop student’ agile leadership with 2 sub strategies.

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