The relationships and the influences among Knowledge Sharing, Organizational Climate, Learning Organization and Creative thinking of The teachers of the Office of the Basic Education Commission (OBEC), Ministry of Education

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Rungradit Kongyoungyune
Somnuk Petchouy


The main purpose of this paper was to investigate the relationships and the influences among Knowledge Sharing, Organizational Climate, Learning Organization and Creative thinking of The teachers of the Office of the Basic Education Commission (OBEC), Ministry of Education. The population of this study consisted of the teachers of the Office of the Basic Education Commission (OBEC), the Ministry of Education, who voluntarily joined the 1,000-member comprehensive education program. The total number of questionnaires was 832. This is a quantitative research survey.

            The survey research had been used in this study. The research results indicated that there were the statistical significant positive relationships for every pair of variables. In addition, Knowledge Sharing, Organizational Climate, Learning Organization had the statistical significant positive total effects on Creative thinking. The square multiple correlation coefficient (R2) indicated that 57.10 % of the variance in Creative thinking can be explained by the combination of Learning Organization, Organizational Climate and Knowledge Sharing.

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