Factors Influencing Organizational Citizenship Behavior : A case study Commercial Bank Employees in Thailand

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Chanettee Piphatanangkun
Piyachart Jarutirasarn
Apicha Boonpattarakan
Boonchop Poompaichit


    The objectives of this research were to analyze the relationship between factors and the organizational citizenship behavior, and analyze the influence of factors affecting the organizational citizenship behavior.  This research was a quantitative one.  The questionnaire was used as the research tool.  Three hundred and seventy commercial bank employees in Thailand were selected by stratified random sampling method as samples for this research.  The data were collected by mailed survey response and by the researcher herself.  Then, the data were analyzed by mean, standard deviation, and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The results revealed that the factors of supportive leadership, mindfulness leadership, broad-minded leadership, organizational justice, self-efficiency, job satisfaction, organizational recognition, and organizational climate were positively related to the organizational citizenship behavior.  It showed that their interrelationship were at high level.  In terms of the factors influenced the organizational citizenship behavior, the results found that all factors together could help predict the organizational citizenship behavior in altruism at 69.40 percent at statistical significance of .05 and correlated positively to the organizational climate which received the highest level of prediction.  Next on down were self-efficiency, organizational recognition, and the supportive leadership, respectively.

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