Behavior of Generation Y towards Workplace Fun in Multinational Company in Thailand

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Chenin Chen


This study aims to emphasize on the term “workplace fun” and its behavior towards job satisfaction and task performance.  The research examined generation Y’s attitude towards workplace fun in MNCs in Thailand due to the fact that they will invade half of Thailand’s workforce by 2030 according to the data of the National Statistical Office of Thailand (2015) and workplace fun has been widely used in MNCs but very minimal in Thai local companies.

The study relied upon survey data collected from 443 respondents representing the employees who are working in Multinational Company in Thailand.  By applying descriptive and inferential statistics, the study has found that generation Y employees in MNCs are a true believer of workplace fun concept as well as indicated that higher exposure on experienced workplace fun leads to higher employee’s job satisfaction and task performance.  This paper serves to change Thai traditional management negative view of having fun in the workplace and direct for future work so that it may continue growing to inprove Human Resource Management knowledge.

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