Guidelines for Developing Communication Strategy of Public Relations by Using Social Media of Community Markets for Local Businesses Thailand

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Piengkamol kerdsomsri
Preecha Phannan


The data collecting methods for this qualitative research were 1) focus group technique of the professionals in public relations concerning the current problems and threats of using social media of “community markets for local business” in Thailand, and 2) the in-depth interview of the professionals in public relations for the analysis of the public relations strategies by using social media along with the content analysis method.

            The research results found that the communication strategies for public relations via social media consisted of 14 c, these were 1) clarity – complete clear thoughts and ideas enhances the meaning of message sent to the target group  2) consideration – the content needed to be reliable 3) consistency of the communication message 4) correctness – in order to strengthen the confidence of the audience, the communication needed to be exact, correct and well-timed 5) continuity of the communication message 6) condensed content of the communication message 7) communication tools should be chosen properly 8) communication tactics needed to be placed for the good communication 9) corporate social responsibility (CSR) for society and its environment 10) comparison of the communication with one another to improve the communication  11) creativity – the good communication needed to be creative 12) competitiveness – competition on the worthy data for competing with others 13) corroboration with the thought leaders 14) conciseness – the effective communication should be concise and simple.  In addition, in terms of the strategies of the public relations via social media, these were as follows: 1) digital marketing 2) media ethics 3) psychology of communication for positive relationship in team which consisted of 12 public relations approaches, these were 1) Proactive Marketing Public Relations (MPR) 2) Image Management 3) Brand Image 4) Marketing Process 5) Brand Loyalty 6) Content Marketing 7) Corporate Social Responsibility 8) Participatory  Communication 9) Follow-Up Communication 10) Two - Way Communication 11) Special Events, and 12) Attract Attention, Maintain Interest, Create Desire, and Take Action – AIDA should be acquired to support the complete and innovative public relations operation with the content that suited the communication channel and the target group in accordance with the guidelines for the development strategy of the public relations in social media of the community markets for local business in Thailand.



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