The Sufficiency Economy Movement in Nongmaisung Sub-district Administrative Organization with the Participation of Nongmaisung Temple, Nongmaisung Sub-district Administrative Organization and the Office of Community Development Uthai District, Phranakhon Si Ayutthaya Province

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Achara Lortrakul
Pattaraporn Chantanee


This research aimed to 1) Study the Sufficient Economy Movement in the Area of Nongmaisung Sub-district Administrative Organization with the participation of Nongmaisung Temple, Nongmaisung Sub-district Administrative Organization and the Office of Community Development District. 2) Support and jointly drive the Sufficiency Economy in the Area of Nongmaisung Sub-district Administrative Organization. The research are combined (Mix Methods Research) both qualitative research and quantitative research. The results showed that 1) the Sufficient Economy Movement in the Area of Nongmaisung Sub-district Administrative Organization with the participation of Nongmaisung Temple, Nongmaisung Sub-district Administrative Organization and the Office of Community Development District should start with the development of personnel in the community to understand the activities of the Sufficient Economy “the foundations of life is called 6*2” 2) Support and jointly drive the Sufficiency Economy in the Area of Nongmaisung Sub-district Administrative Organization with the expansion and development of the network. by promoting exchanges, learning and evaluation with 4 criteria, 23 indicators.

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