Conditions And Guidelineds For Community Based Tourism Development A Case Study Of Ban Khlong Peng Moo 2 Bang Nang Li Subdistict Amphawa District Samut Songkhram Province

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Atcharee Manakij
Phitak Siriwong


The purpose of this research is to study conditions and guidelineds for community based tourism development a case study of Ban Khlong Peng moo 2 Bang Nang Li subdistict Amphawa Which is a qualitative research using focus group discussions from community leaders Which is the main force in driving the community of the village of 10 people by purposive sampling. The research instrument is the researcher with questions for discussion. Voice recorder and camera The results of the research showed that Ban Khlong Peng, Village No. 2, Bang Nang Li Subdistrict, Amphawa District, Samut Songkhram Province Is a village that is ready to be a tourist attraction by the community There are community leaders and organization groups. That is strong People in the community have love, unity. Help each other Have a good social capital There are many cultures. There is a clear road infrastructure and signage. Convenient to travel And not far from the main tourist spots People in the community have the opportunity to access to funding sources. Ready to receive the development to become a tourist destination by the community.Able to carry out co-operation, co-operation, and co-creation by the people in the community. For the development approach to be a tourist attraction, the community has 6 steps which are 1) Studying the readiness and possibility of the community together with the people in the community 2) Team building and development network 3) Potential development planning Tourism and resource management layout 4) Try out tourism activities Develop and drive operations 5) Monitoring and evaluation 6) Planning and development Which these guidelines Will help bring people in the community to manage the tourism of the village by themselves

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