The Approach of Farm Cafe Management followed the New theory of agriculture of the Farm Café entrepreneurs in Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya province

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Yani phuanpoh
Santidhorn Pooripakdee


The Approach of Farm Cafe Management followed the New theory of agriculture of the Farm Café entrepreneurs in Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya province. This research was qualitative researchwith Phenomenology. The objectives of this research were 1) to study the Farm Cafe Management according to the New theory of agriculture in Ayutthaya and 2) to propose the successful guidelines for managing the Farm café according to the New theory of agriculture of the Farm Café entrepreneurs. In this research, theresearcher took the form of an in-depth interview. The main informants were 20 Farm Café entrepreneurs. The information obtained from the interview to make a content analysis, conclusions and  Analytic Descriptive.

The study found that 1) the Farm cafe entrepreneurs had a systematic farm management by connecting the Farm Cafe operation activities with the New theory of agriculture 2) The Approach of the successful Farm Cafe Management according to the New theory of agriculture of the Farm Café entrepreneurs. It consisted of 5 approaches as follows: 1. Learning all the time of the entrepreneurs 2. Using the appropriate innovations in the Farm cafe management  3. The connection between the farm production management and marketing  4. Financial management and  5. Taking into consideration of the community, society and environment.

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