A Study of Anchoring Effect’s Influence on Consumer Purchase Intention

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Chuan Tian
Cheng-Jui Tseng


"Anchoring Effect" has become an indispensable tool to study people's demand measurement. At present, "anchoring effect" mainly focuses on the related normal form and anchoring type model. In practice, the research on the influence of anchoring effect on consumers' purchase intention and its mechanism is still lacking. Based on the experiment in the context field, 210 people in a Wechat group purchase were selected as the research objects, among which 190 people participated effectively as the statistical measurement and questionnaire objects. And it is divided into 98 people in the high anchor group and 92 people in the low anchor group. Kurt's seven-point scale measures numbers from 1 to 7 in the positive score. To explore the influence factors of "anchor" on consumers' purchase intention, so as to explore "high anchoring point" and "low anchoring point" has different effects on consumers' purchase intention, and through the verification of reliability and validity, to prove the effect of" anchoring effect "on consumers' purchase intention. On this basis, it draws the conclusion that anchoring effect has great influence on consumers' purchase intention, and puts forward relevant marketing strategy suggestions.

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