Guidelines for Sustainable Development of Community-Based Tourism : A Case Study of Tha Kha Floating Market, Amphawa District, Samut Songkhram Province

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Atcharee Manakij
Prasopchai Pasunon


This research was the mixed methods research with exploratory sequential design using both qualitative and quantitative approaches. In-depth interviews were used as a method  collecting the qualitative data from a sample of 10 respondents including a village headman, a managing director of Tha Kha floating market, vendors, tourists and government officials. The researcher selected specific key informants in order to examine guidelines for sustainable development of community-based tourism at Tha Kha floating market. The research instruments used in collecting the quantitative data were questionnaires administered with a sample of 402 Thai tourists visiting Tha Kha floating market selected by using convenience sampling technique which was a type of non-probability sampling. The statistic used in the study was logistic regression analysis in order to predict and ensure that the tourists would decide on returning to the floating market again. It was found that guidelines for sustainable development for community-based tourism at Tha Kha floating market corresponded to the empirical data.  logistic regression coefficients of the decision-making model for the return of tourists were -2.519 -2.797 and 2.339 at the statistically significance level of 0.01 for all  3 dimensions including social, cultural and traditional dimension, economic dimension and environmental dimension respectively. The percentage of correct predictions was 30.9

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