Educational System and Social Problem Solving

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Peradech Anantanatarat


One of the main reasons for the "Social Problem" today comes from the "people."  In order to concretely reduce the social problems, the development of people as a crucial component of society, where "education" is a major factor in terms of the development of people needed to be taken into account.

 Although Thailand has been reforming and developing the education system since the reign of King Rama V, but  the development of people in the nation has not been adequately progressed. As a result, the social problems have been  going on. Of course, each person is different in understanding, beliefs, and attitudes, which are cultivated differently. Therefore, the organization of the education system must be clear, serious, and continuous.  In order to be able to develop people effectively, this will certainly have a positive effect and reduce the social problems of the nation.

This article presents solutions to social problems. Based on various contexts Involved in education both directly and indirectly under the author's point of view.

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