A System and Mechanism Application Process to Prevent Corruption by Community Participation : A Case Study of the Bangbua Community in the Bangkhen District and the Lang Flat Ruampattana in the Laksi District, Bangkok

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Amornrat Kulsudjarit
Phenprapha Pattaranukrom
Sujitra Samukkethum
Preecha Piyachan
Harutai Kamolsirisakul


This research study titled “ A System and Mechanism Application Process to Prevent  Corruption by Community Participation : A Case Study of the Bangbua Community in the Bangkhen District and the Lang Flat Ruampattana in the Laksi District, Bangkok” gave priority to community participation in applying a system and mechanism for corruption prevention and solution with community rules jointly set up by community members. As a result, the community used the mentioned rules as guidelines regularly and consistently to drive the community’s system and mechanism for corruption prevention and solution which focused on the process of community participation.  It also developed a handbook on “Anti-Corruption Community” and created the community’s practice culture by integrating good governance principles of participation, transparency, rule of law and accountability into the community’s daily life. The new generation is given priority.

The research found that a system and mechanism application for the community’s corruption prevention and solution by community participation with the community rules jointly set up for the community committee’s practice consisted of 7 main issues as  follows : (1)  a meeting and a quorum of the community committee,(2) the community’s finance and financial form, (3) regulations for donations the community committee, (4) opportunities given to community members especially members of the young generation participating in the community’s activities, (5) communication and information disclosure to community members,(6) the process of enhancement to support anti-corruption endeavors in the community,  and  (7) a working process to initiate participation of external networks.

According to practice experiments carried out during the research process, the research team found that both communities’ attitude and behavior were changed into three levels : the individual level, the group level, and the community level. The mentioned system and mechanism application requires a period of time to inspire and nurture the community members, especially the young generation, to learn and change their attitude and behavior. In addition, a strong community leader, community committee and community members need to be strong to really work together for their community’s corruption prevention and solution. These changes are regarded as a positive movement toward community empowerment and a strong community. The said community members will work together to prevent and reduce corruption problems gradually until nothing remains. Their efforts will finally give birth to a “corruption-free community”. 

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