Potential Development of Housewife Group who Produce Community Products through Participation of the Community in Lak Si District, Bangkok

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Pitsinee Rattananupong
Preecha Phannan
Duangthip Chan-Uam
Muthita Arayasetthakorn
Chanettee Pipathanangkul


The objectives of this research were to 1) analyze the factors affecting the potential development of the housewife group who produce the community products of Ruam Pattana Community in Laksi District, Bangkok, 2) analyze the marketing factors affecting the product development of the housewife group who produce community products of Ruam Pattana Community in LakSi District, Bangkok, and 3) analyze the potential development pattern of the housewife group who produce the community products through the participation of Ruam Pattana Community in LakSi District.  The Community-Based Research (CBR) methodology was used for this research.  The research instruments included 1) individual in-depth interviews, 2) SWOT Analysis, 3) focus group discussions with the community leaders, and community development workers, etc., and 4) a questionnaire.  The data received from individual in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, community forum, workshops and field trips were collected and analyzed.

The results of the research were: There were seven factors affecting the potential development of the housewife group who produce the community products of Ruam Pattana Community in Laksi District, Bangkok.  These were: the demographic factors, the factors of  age, manufacturing process, management, compensation, motivation and morale, marketing, and values.  The analysis of the marketing factors affecting the potential development of the housewife group who produce the community products of Ruam Pattana Community in LakSi District, Bangkok showed that the 9 P’s Marketing Factors  Product, Price, Place, Promotion, People, Process, Physical evidence, Packaging, and Power  were investigated. And The analysis of the potential development pattern of the housewife group who produce community products through the participation of Ruam Pattana Community revealed that the activity implementation enabled to set the potential development pattern of the community products through the participation of Ruam Pattana Community which were consisted of three main factors, these were: the potential development factor; the process of the potential development through the community participation; and the potentiality of the housewife group.

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