Enhancing Operational Efficiency of The Quality Accounting Firm to The Digital Quality Accounting Firm

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The revolution of Thai economic structure towards digital economy has accelerated the operational efficacy of an accounting firm to digitize its accounting services. According to the International Education Standards for Professional Accountants, three components are covered as basic concepts and conceptual framework for financial reporting . Part 1: the quality of accounting information consists of (1) accuracy and completeness, (2) timeliness and (3) concerning decision-making. Part 2: quality of accounting information system consists of its (1) integration (2) flexibility and (3) stability. Part 3, the digital accountant competencies consists of (1) knowledge of professional accounting (2) knowledge of information technology (3) skills in applying information technology tools (4) ability in financial data analysis (5) communication skills relating to finance and accounting information (6) knowledge and skills in business and (7) professional ethics.

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