Model for Participating Management of Accidents to the Tourists and Residents in KohYor Community, Mueang District Songkhla Province

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Jumnian Junhasobhaga
Wuttichai Inkaew
Sompon Thungwha
Roongrattana Jaroenjitt
Saowanee Samantreeporn


This research has the objectives to study accident situation occurred to tourist and residents in  KohYor and to establish and evaluate the model for participating management of the accidents. The research has been divided into three steps namely; step 1, collecting data form  government agencies, private agencies, community residents and tourists by questionnaires and interview forms , step 2, collecting the data by focus group discussions and step 3, collecting data from the meeting to evaluatethe model for  accidents management.

The research result revealed that; 1) the accident management situation in  KohYor area indicated that the government, private, community membersand tourists agreed with the measures to protect and reduce the accidents and the spread of COVID-19. As regard to the measure for assisting accident victims, the direction signs has been installed, measures, instructions for accident solving and do and don’t measures have been displayed to tourists and the measures for protection of COVID-19 has been taken. At the sametime the result is unclear aboutthe safety measures whether there is a coordinating center for assisting the water way accident victims, 24 hours assisting personnel, an officer positioning at risky points and uncertainty about the standard and readiness of the warning systems. For these reasons, the precise protection plan and procedures for accident management should deployed for the effective implementation. 2) The Establishment of the Model for the Management of Accidents by designing the “Draft Accident Managementfor Land and Waterway and Spread of COVID-19” which is divided  into 2 parts. The first part deals with the accident management for land and waterway. The second part deals with the accident management for COVID-19.  Both parts are divided into three steps,pre, during and post-accidents. 3) Evaluating the Model for the Management of Accidents in each issue by adding the role and responsibility assignment to the government, private and community members to drive the accident management effectively.


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