Innovative Thinking Skills Factors Related to Innovative Thinking Skills of Teachers under the Office of Secondary Education Service Area 5 in ang Thong Province

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The objectives of this research were to 1) investigate the level of innovative thinking skills of the teachers under the Office of the Secondary Educational Service Area 5,  Ang Thong Province, 2) analyze the relationship of the factors related to the teachers' innovative thinking skills, and 3) analyze the factors related to the teachers' innovative thinking skills under the Office of the Secondary Educational Service Area 5, Ang Thong Province. The questionnaire was used as a tool for collecting data. The population for the study was 692 teachers under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 5, Ang Thong Province. The statistics used to analyze the data were percentage, mean, standard deviation, Pearson's Correlation Coefficient Analysis and stepwise multiple regression analysis.

The results of the research showed that the level of innovative thinking skills of the respondents were at high level. When considering at each skill, the communication skills received the highest mean.  On the other hand, the creative skills received the lowest mean.  In terms of the factors related to the respondents' overall and each aspect of the innovative thinking skills, they were found at  high level.  With regard to the relationship between factors involved in the respondents’ innovative thinking skills, the factors of the society acceptance, and the relationship with their colleagues were positively related to the respondents’ innovative thinking skills at high level, at the statistical significance of .01 level, (p = 0.631 and 0.599, respectively. When adopting the factors of social acceptance, relationship with colleagues, compensation, working context, self-development and collaborative work to predict the respondents’ innovative thinking skills, they were able to jointly predict 50.60 percent (r =  0.711) at statistically significant level of 0.1.

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