Factors Affecting The Effectiveness of School Administration Surasakmontree School

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Wachirawit Jatuten


This research aims 1) to study the school administration factors, 2) to study the school administration efficiency, 3) to study the relevant of the school administration factors and the school administration  efficiency, and 4) to create an equation to predict the effectiveness of the school administration. The population were 170 teachers and educational personnel of Surasakmontree school. The research instrument was a questionnaireThe statistic for the data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Pearson's Product Moment Correlation Coefficient, and Multiple Regression Analysis as Stepwise model.

The research’s results were as follows: The high-average factors affecting the efficiency in school administration were the teachers’ role and responsibilities  while the lowest one was the learner competency  The factors which affect the effectiveness of school administration were statistically related to the effectiveness of all educational institutions at .05 level in positive, and  The factors that could predict the effectiveness of the school administration in statical significance of 0.5 level were the teacher roles and responsibilities (x2), the learner competency (x3), the curriculum and instruction (x5), and the participation in community network (x7). The predicted equations were as follows:

Predicted Equation in Raw Score Form

gif.latex?\hat{Y}= .786+.603 X7 + .407 X3 - .368 X5 +.188 X2

 Predicted Equation in Standard Score Form

gif.latex?\hat{Z}=.836 ZX7 +.060 ZX2+ .054 ZX3 - .371 ZX5

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