Effectiveness of Village Health Volunteer’s Competency Development Program for Stroke Prevention Among Hypertensive Patients in Sa Pradu Subdistrict Wichian Buri District Phetchabun Province

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Piyatida Khuanloy
Lukawee Piyabunditkul


This quasi-experimental research aims to study investigate effectiveness of village health volunteer’s competency development program for stroke prevention among hypertensive patients. It was used the one group pretest posttest design. Purposive sampling technique was applied to select 40 willing village health volunteers in the Subdistrict Administrative Organization in Sa Pradu sub-district, Wichian Buri district, Petchabun province. Bandura’s Self-Efficacy theory is applied was used as a conceptual framework in this study. The experimental group was required to complete 8 activitiesfor 10 weeks include health education, video media, games, modeling, group activities, simulations, role-playing, demonstrations, practices, and home visits. Questionnaires were distributed to collect data before and after the participants joined the program which were developed by the researcher. Content validity of questionnaires was verified by the 5 experts. The reliability of the second part using the Kuder-Richardson formulas yielded the coefficients of 0.72 (KR-20) andthe third part using the Conbach’s Alpha Coefficient of0.82. Data analysis was made for percentage, mean, standard deviation, paired-samples t-test. The results showed that after the program, the experimental group hadknowledge about hypertension and strokes, self-perception, and skills of care to advise hypertensive patients for stroke prevention higher than that before the experiment by a statistically significant at p<0.05.

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