The Transmission Influences of Mentoring Connecting Inspiration, Innovativeness and Entrepreneurial Readiness Towards Entrepreneurial Intention of The Vocational Entrepreneurship Incubator Center Members

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Pansiya Nithikitsookkasem
Boonthawan Wingwon
Paothai Vonglao


The objectives of this research were (1) to study the importance of giving advice, inspiration, innovation capability, entrepreneurial readiness, and entrepreneurial intent (2) to study the transmission influence of mentoring that connects inspiration, innovativeness, and entrepreneurial readiness towards entrepreneurial intention; and (3) to study entrepreneurial intention element. It is a quantitative research. The research tool was a questionnaire. The sample group consisted of 393 members of the government vocational entrepreneurship incubator center using a multistage probability sampling technique. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics for frequency, percentage, and standard deviation. Inferential statistics were used to analyze correlation by structural equations with LISREL program. The results of the research showed that mentoring was the most important first. The entrepreneurial readiness, entrepreneurial intention, and inspiration were also of the utmost importance. Except innovativeness was of high importance with conformity index χ²=161.85 df=140 p-value=0.09884 RMSEA=0.016 RMR=.011 NFI=1 NNFI=1 GFI=.98 AGFI=.95. These were within the acceptable range and was consistent with the empirical data at the .01 level of significance. The most transmission influence was inspiration, followed by mentoring had a direct influence on innovativeness. Inspiration had an indirect influence on entrepreneurial readiness. Innovativeness had a direct influence on entrepreneurialintention. The research results of entrepreneurial intention element was based on providing mentoring through inspiration and innovativeness that linked to entrepreneurial readiness.

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